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Get your home in tip-top condition for sale during lockdown

In these difficult times, with so many people facing uncertainty about their future, it’s still possible to make the most of any extra time you may have to improve your home so it’s in optimum condition for sale. At smarthomes our offices are temporarily closed at the moment but the team are all still actively working from home and can be reached on 0121 744 4144 every day of the week.

While the property market has slowed right down, people do still need to move home, and a lot of the preparation work can be done before lockdown eases off. Whether you want to list it soon, and ask us to conduct virtual valuations and viewings, or if you just want to get it ready over the next few weeks, here are some quick and affordable tips to get you started.


Walk around your house with fresh eyes and really see each room as if you were looking at it for the first time. Notice any small defects which are easily resolvable, but that can put potential buyers off such as peeling paint, mouldy sealants, dirty walls, cracks to plasterwork or lifting flooring. They may only seem like small things, but they can make a large negative impression.


The less clutter there is in a room, the larger that room will feel to a potential purchaser. So have a look at the room with fresh eyes and see what can be removed including extra ornaments, pictures, lamps, books and toys. It’s a great opportunity for a clear out – and the items you remove can either be stored away for your next house, donated to charity or sold on a second-hand sales site.

Less clutter allows those viewing your property to focus on the size and shape of the room, without too many distractions. It also enables viewers to easily imagine themselves in that space, without them being put off by a style that might be different to their own.

Colour and Light

Lighter colours make a room feel bigger so you could consider re-painting a dark or brightly coloured room a pale or neutral colour. It’s also going to appeal to more potential buyers as they’ll see the room as more of a blank canvas, one that could accommodate their own furniture and accessories. 

You can even paint over old-fashioned wall tiles in kitchens and bathrooms to help them to look bright, fresh and clean. Also, why not consider ordering a couple of mirrors online to reflect the light in a room and make it feel bigger?


Don’t forget your outside space too – bear in mind the first thing a potential buyer will see is the front of your house. You don’t want them to start with a negative impression. Things like peeling paintwork, dead plants, a driveway full of weeds or long grass all portray an air of neglect and may stop them from viewing the house.

Keep the lawns mowed, the area weed-free and windows cleaned. You could buy some cheap and colourful plants and plant pots online, paint old fences and paint the front door. Think of the kerb appeal.

If you need any advice on marketing your property or would like to find out more about our virtual valuation and viewing service, please get in touch with us on 0121 744 4144.